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Wondering how to start a chapter of the Initiative at your own institution? Interested in becoming a more effective mentor?
Below is a collection of resources and materials we have used in building the Initiative and supporting women global health researchers.
Have resources you'd like featured here?
Email us at! 

Getting Started at your Institution

Women in Global Health Slides

Click to download a set of our introductory Women in Global Health Research Initiative slides. We use these slides when giving presentations about the Initiative to various audiences to introduce the challenges that women in global health face, and why they matter. 

Template Letter to your Dean

Use this letter to introduce the challenges that women in global health research face in their careers and begin the discussion to build institutional support. 


UCSF Mentoring Resources

UCSF Accelerate

University of California San Francisco's Accelerate offers a Mentor Training Program designed to train the next generation of mentors. The MTP website has an extensive collection of resources ranging from "How to Build a Research Team" to "Communicating Effectively with Mentees."

Training and Leadership

How to Present your Research

This guide was created for MMED students in Tanzania to provide guidelines on presenting their research. They are basic guidelines for creating your powerpoint slides and presenting your research in a clear and concise manner. 

Health and Safety

Sample safety plans

This is a sample worksheet that you can ask any trainees traveling to international sites to complete before they arrive to ensure they have a comprehensive safety plan. 

Sample country-specific resource sheets

These fact sheets are available for any trainees traveling to Tanzania or Haiti as part of Weill Cornell Medicine. Although trainees will receive more extensive preparation materials, we offer this fact sheet for quick access to safety tips, important information, etc. Replace "Bugando Medical Centre/GHESKIO" with your own local institution and contacts. 



Self-defense seminars

We offer biannual self-defense seminars to medical students, residents, fellows, and faculty who travel to international research sites. If you are in the NYC area and would like to attend our next seminar or would like to set up a seminar for your own group, contact us by email. 

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