2018 Women in Global Health Research Symposium
Our third annual conference on women in global health research focused on evidence-based interventions to promote the retention and ascent of women to leadership positions in global health. This was our first conference accepting scientific abstracts in order to showcase the research that women leaders in global health are conducting. We accepted abstracts in two categories:
1) Global Health Research, with particular consideration given to research on women's health
2) Evidence-based Interventions, designed to retain and promote female leaders in global health
Disrupting the System: Advocating for racial and gender equity
Women in research: progress through collaboration
Successful Advancements in Supporting Women at the Institutional Level
Preventing HIV infections in women: successes and challenges
Using leadership roles to support low and middle-income country researchers
Pursuing an academic global health career
The critical importance of sexual and reproductive health for adolescent girls and young women in Africa
The Next Generation of Female Global Health Leaders
Keynote Speakers

Dr. Judith Currier
AIDS Clinical Trials Group

Dr. Quarraisha Abdool Karim
Associate Science Director
Center for the AIDS Programme in South Africa (CAPRISA)

Dr. Glenda Gray
South African Medical Research Council (SAMRC)
Yukari Manabe, MD
Johns Hopkins University
Grace John-Stewart, MD, MPH, PhD
University of Washington
Ingrid Katz, MD, MHSc
Harvard University
Michele Barry, MD, FACP
Stanford University
Glenda Gray, MBBCH, FCPAED
South African Medical Research Council
Marie Marcelle Deschamps, MD
Amita Gupta, MD
Johns Hopkins University
Quarraisha Abdool Karim, PhD
Center for the AIDS Programme in South Africa
Robert Bollinger, MD
Johns Hopkins University
Judith Currier, MD, MPH
UCLA, AIDS Clinical Trials Group
Daniel Fitzgerald, MD
Weill Cornell Medicine
Thank you to Contributors!
Dean Augustine M.K. Choi, MD
BJ Medical College (India)
Bugando Medical Center (Tanzania)
Center for the AIDS Programme of Research in South Africa
Columbia University
Duke University
Emory University
Geneva Foundation for Medical Education and Research (Switzerland)
GHESKIO Centers (Haiti)
Harvard University
Institution Federal do Rio Grande do Norte (Brazil)
International Centre for Diarrheal Disease Research (Bangladesh)
Johns Hopkins University
Maastricht University (Netherlands)
Northwestern University
Rush University
Santa Clara University
South African Medical Research Council
Stanford University
University of California, Los Angeles
University of California, San Francisco
University of Washington
Yale University