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2016 Women in Global Health Research Symposium
Our second annual women in global health research symposium was a two day conference that focused on how to overcome barriers specific to women researchers in resource-limited settings and how to ensure the health and safety of female global health researchers everywhere. We explored innovative ways to ensure women’s equal opportunities for leadership in global health, as we are striving to achieve our ultimate goal of reducing inequality and improving the lives of women globally. The symposium Opening Remarks were done by Dr. Mary Charlson, Chief, Division of Clinical Epidemiology and Evaluative Sciences Research Executive Director, Center for Integrative Medicine
Mother, Wife, Scientist – Life experiences and a science career against all odds
Challenges faced and lessons learned by women from low and middle income countries
Balancing Career and Personal Life
Gender bias and its effect on the actualization of women in society
Being a Mentor
Self-Defense Course

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